Added a new FAQ page thanks to the boys at who so kindly explain everything. It should answer all the questions you guys have concerning weapon modifications. I hope it helps.
So everything concerning new arrivals is now up to date. All members now occupy there respective spots in our clan.


Time to prove yourself to the clan! Get out there and spread some destruction. If you are currently a "Recruit" and want to move up in our clan then you should consider becoming an "Active" member. Next time you see Fireston online donate your weekly "4000 scrip", gain access to the clan bank and the weekly clan lottery. Gear up, get rich and get killin'.

For more information regarding "Active" member status please check out the "R-U ACTIVE" page from our navigation. It should clear the air of questions.

Recruiting has gone very well, and over the past few weeks we have recruited a handful of reliable Ark Hunters. Lets take this time to welcome them to the clan! New recruits seeking to become Active members should check out the "R-U ACTIVE" page through the navigation up top.

I will do my best to have everyones name up in the "Ark Templars" page ASAP. Until then please be patient. Thanks and welcome aboard!
Well guys just finished making some changes to the webpage concerning how news is stored/viewed etc. The site should work much smoother now and has a few new options for you to utilize. Im sure it wont be hard for you to figure out the new site layout. Thanks for your patience. 

2nd update...


Starting today and lasting up until the following wednesday, we shall be running all the CO-OP MISSION instances as to unlock our pursuits and outfit rewards. All the maps available will be cycled through, rinsed and repeated until everyone has unlocked the outfit rewards they were seeking. If you have free time, you have time to run instances. I will list the maps & the order they will be cycled & run at tomorrow's update, so that you may plan your Ark hunting accordingly.

-Weekly Donations Entered: Cowie, SikMuse
-Weekly Donations Pending: Sgt. Niko Pain
The website is underway! I will be working on it throughout the week so that it may be functional as soon as possible. Though we are still under-construction, the clan LOTTERY has been switched to green and is currently online. Members who wish to participate must become an ACTIVE clan member and commence by donating the weekly "4000 scrip" to the ITEM BANK. This weekly donation will allow the member access to our ITEM BANK as well as the LOTTERY(everything you need to know is just below). Keep that jaja coming into the clan coffers and don't forget that gear! 

-To gain access a member must donate a weekly(donations collected on mondays) scrip amount of "4000", thus making them an ACTIVE member and allowing them access to both the LOTTERY & ITEM BANK.
-50% of all donations is then stored within the clan ITEM BANK adding to the over-all wealth of the clan as well as creating a pool of funds for those in dire need of scrip. The other 50% is placed within the winnings pool along with the donations made by the other ACTIVE clan members to await the WINNER of the LOTTERY
-At the end of each week(Friday), a random(by automated software) member will be declared that week's WINNER and will be rewarded that weeks winnings pool